Terms of Use
The entire content of this website, such as text, pictures, graphics, sound, animations and videos, including corporate logos and brands and the layout of the Linde GmbH web pages, is protected by trademark law and copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. Distributing, changing or copying the contents of these pages, including framing or the use of any framing techniques, is prohibited.
No rights of licence or other rights are granted via the website for the use of the intellectual property contained therein, including brands and copyright. Copying, distributing, reproducing, forwarding and otherwise using this protected intellectual property is not permitted without the written consent of Linde GmbH. The remaining contents of the website may also not be copied, distributed, changed or made available to third parties. In particular, the use of texts, sections of text or visual material requires the prior approval of Linde GmbH.
Linde GmbH expressly specifies that some of the pictures contained on the website are protected by the copyright of third parties.
It is expressly permitted for a user of the website to produce a single copy for his or her own personal, non-commercial use, as long as the content is not altered in the course of the copying and all the references to industrial property rights in respect of copies are retained, or inserted if only extracts from the website are being used. The contents of press releases and other documents classified as public may be used in public communications. This does not apply to those parts of such public documents which are protected by trademark law, copyright or other legal regulations.
Linde GmbH continually checks and updates the information provided on its website. Although due care is taken, Linde GmbH cannot guarantee that the website is free from errors. The Company therefore accepts no liability and furnishes no guarantee that the information provided is up-to-date, accurate and complete. The same applies to all other web pages accessed by hyperlink from the Linde GmbH site, whether these belong to affiliated companies or third parties. Linde GmbH shall have no liability for such web pages. Linde GmbH is also not responsible for the data protection arrangements of the operators of these other web pages.
Linde GmbH reserves the right at any time and without prior notice to make amendments or additions to the information or data provided. To the extent that the Linde GmbH website contains statements regarding the future of the Company, those statements are based on the beliefs and judgement of the management of Linde GmbH and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties. Linde GmbH is under no obligation to update such statements regarding the future of the Company. Linde GmbH accepts no liability whatsoever for such statements.
Linde GmbH may deny access to its website at any time. Linde GmbH provides no guarantee whatsoever that the availability of its website will be uninterrupted.
Although Linde GmbH will make every endeavour to keep its website free from viruses, it cannot provide any guarantee that it is virus-free.
To enable us to comply with your requests for information, you may be asked to supply personal data. Any such data is supplied by you completely voluntarily. It is used solely for the purpose of complying with your request for information, and is collected, stored, processed and used in accordance with the German data protection regulations in force.